Melanie I. Brazil
Melanie Brazil joined Columbia University as Chief of Staff for the Precision Medicine Initiative in May 2015. She works closely with Initiative Director Professor Tom Maniatis, on all aspects of the Initiative.
Melanie spent 14 years at Nature Publishing Group in a variety of roles as Editor and Publisher: Her first role at Nature was as an Editor for Nature Immunology, in which she was responsible for selecting manuscripts for peer review, making decisions about article suitability based on journal criteria and referee reports. Melanie was also an Editor for the journal Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, responsible for commissioning scholarly reviews on a variety of subjects. As an Editor, she also authored a variety of materials for specialized and lay audiences and developed a large academic and biopharma network. Melanie’s final role at Nature was Publisher for the Biopharma cluster of journals, which includedNature Medicine,Nature Biotechnology, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery andNature Chemical Biology.She was responsible for management, strategy, content and new business development of Nature-branded journals. Melanie conducted the research and due diligence to prepare the research proposal to launch Nature Biomedical Engineering; the first issue was published in January 2017.
Prior to joining Nature Publishing Group, Melanie completed a post-doctoral position at Weill Cornell Medical School, investigating the role of microglia in processing beta-amyloid in fetal mouse brains. She carried out graduate research at the National Institute for Medical Research in London (now The Francis Crick Institute) in molecular immunology, specifically on antigen presentation in macrophages, and was awarded a Ph.D. by University College, London.
Prior to starting her Ph.D., Melanie was awarded a B.Sc. (Hons.) in Food Science from Leeds University, and completed a Masters in Applied Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (Distinction) from University College, London.