Seminar on Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Genetics
Center for Research on Ethical/Legal/Social Implications of Psychiatric, Neurologic & Behavioral Genetics
Department of Psychiatry
Returning Genetic Research Results to Individual Participants: Who, What, When and How?
Angela Bradbury, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Departments of Medicine and Medical Ethics & Health Policy
University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Bradbury will review existing guidance and challenges associated with returning genetic research results. She will also review existing data on patient outcomes, including data from her NCI-funded RESPECT studies.
Upcoming Presentations
March 16th – Aaron Panofsky, PhD, Institute for Society and Genetics, UCLA
April 20th – Pamela Sankar, PhD, Dept. of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, UPenn
May 18th – Kathryn Tabb, PhD, Dept. of Philosophy, Bard College
June 15th-17th – ELSI Congress, Morningside Campus, Columbia University
For additional information or to convey suggestions about future speakers, contact Paul S. Appelbaum, MD, Director, Center for Research on Ethical/Legal/Social Implications of Psychiatric, Neurologic & Behavioral Genetics, Department of Psychiatry, at 646-774-8630 or
[email protected].