The Precision Medicine & Society Program at Columbia University is proud to present our fourth annual conference, Exposomics & Society: Biological, Social & Ethical Perspectives. We have sought to organize thematic sessions, each bringing together biomedical science researchers with social scientists and epidemiologists, to explore how exposure to environmental factors interacts with genomic, epigenetic and cellular processes, and may have an unequal and disproportionate impact on marginalized communities, leading to life-long health disparities. We strongly believe that the overall success of the conference depends on facing the issues from both sides and fostering a conversation that cuts across disciplinary boundaries.
8:30a- Registration opens
9:00a- Opening Remarks by Gil Eyal, PhD
Keynote Speakers
9:10a- Gary W. Miller, PhD; Columbia University
9:40a- Sarah Richardson, PhD; Harvard University
Ethical and Methodological Issues
10:20a- Susan Pinney, PhD and Jack Rubinstein, MD; University of Cincinnati
10:40a- Phil Brown, PhD; Northeastern University
11:00a- Panel Discussion
11:30 - 12:30p Lunch break
GxE Interactions and Parsing Genomic vs. Environmental Influences
12:30p- Andrea Baccarelli, MD, PhD; Columbia University
12:50p- Chirag Patel, PhD; Harvard Medical School
1:10p- Laura Senier, PhD, MPH; Northeastern University
1:30p- Panel Discussion
Social x Physical Interactions
2:10p- Rosalind Wright, MD, MPH; Mount Sinai, Institute for Exposomic Research
2:30p- Robert Wright, MD, MPH; Mount Sinai, Institute for Exposomic Research
2:50p- Maggie Hicken, PhD, MPH; University of Michigan
3:10p- Panel Discussion
3:40p- Closing Remarks by Paul Appelbaum, MD